Location & contact

How to get there

The Schamuela cowshed is located at the address: Voa Spoina 16, 7077 Valbella, and is just a few metres from the valley station of the Cumascheals chairlift.

How to reach the Schamuela:

In winter

On skis and snowboard
On your favourite piste to the Cumascheals valley station.

On foot
From the Berghotel Sartons on the winter hiking trail approx. 20 minutes
From the Valbella Nord car park on the winter hiking trail approx. 30 minutes

In the evening by snow groomer taxi
From the valley station of the Valbella ski lift 15 minutes by snow groomer.


In summer

On foot or by bike on your favourite hiking trail or bike trail

We are looking forward to your visit

Your Hüttenzauber Team

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